A tool to quickly merge spreadsheets into document templates

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  1. Install the GrantMerge via this link.

How to use

  1. Create a new Google Spreadsheet.
  2. Populate the column headings and data for your grants. Here is an example spreadsheet to get started.
  3. In the Add-ons menu, select "GrantMerge > Export data" to launch the sidebar.
  4. Choose a template and click Export.
  5. Download links will appear upon completion, and a new google doc will appear in your account.

Create your own template

  1. Create a new Google Doc with "Template" in the name so it will show up as an export option.
  2. Populate the template with variables that will be substituted for each row. Template variables should be identical to the column names surrounded by a leading and trailing % character. For example, the column heading funder_name would correspond to a template variable %funder_name%
  3. Feel free to use these NSF or NIH templates as a starting point to create your own.